The EOS/ESD Association, Inc. 2nd IEDS in Chengdu, P.R.C. from November 9~11, 2022.

EOS/ESD Association, Inc. is sponsoring the 2nd International EOS/ESD Symposium on Design and System (IEDS). IEDS 2022 is dedicated to the fundamental understanding of issues related to electrostatic discharge on design and system and the application of this knowledge to the solution of problems. The Technical Program Committee solicits symposium contributions, including data and analysis that advance the state-of-the-art knowledge, enhance or review the general knowledge, or discuss new topics related to on-chip ESD design, system ESD design, and EOS/ESD issues in manufacturing. The Technical Program Committee is inviting papers related, but not limited, to the following tracks:
Advanced CMOS EOS/ESD and Latch-up
ESD protection in Bipolar, RF, High-voltage, and BCD technologies
ESD modeling, simulation and design automation
EOS/ESD Failure analysis and case studies
ESD and latch-up testing
System ESD design and troubleshooting issues
ESD manufacturing control issues and target level discussion
Call for Papers Q1-2022
The EOS/ESD Association, Inc. is organizing the 2nd IEDS in Chengdu, P.R.C. from November 9~11, 2022.
EOS/ESD Association, Inc. is sponsoring the 2nd International EOS/ESD Symposium on Design and System (IEDS). IEDS 2022 is dedicated to the fundamental understanding of issues related to electrostatic discharge on design and system and the application of this knowledge to the solution of problems. The Technical Program Committee solicits symposium contributions, including data and analysis that advance the state-of-the-art knowledge, enhance or review the general knowledge, or discuss new topics related to on-chip ESD design, system ESD design, and EOS/ESD issues in manufacturing. The Technical Program Committee is inviting papers related, but not limited, to the following tracks:
Advanced CMOS EOS/ESD and Latch-up
ESD protection in Bipolar, RF, High-voltage, and BCD technologies
ESD modeling, simulation and design automation
EOS/ESD Failure analysis and case studies
ESD and latch-up testing
System ESD design and troubleshooting issues
ESD manufacturing control issues and target level discussion
Important Dates
April 01, 2022
Abstract Paper Submission Deadline
April 22, 2022
Notification of Acceptance
July 11, 2022
Author Registration/Final Paper
Submission Deadline.
Submission Guidelines
Authors must submit a maximum 50-word abstract and 4-page maximum summary of their work. The summary must clearly state the purpose, results (e.g., data, diagrams, photographs, etc.), and conclusions of the work. Summaries must also include references to prior publications and state how the work enhances existing knowledge. Authors suggest the technical area related to their submission. Abstract submissions can be made electronically at:
Organizing Committee
