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The iNARTE Product Safety Design Certification Program focuses on engineering and practice to reduce types of risk to persons, animals and property that have to be covered by a formal hazard analysis to meet the requirements of the relevant legislation. The ability to effectively manage product safety in design, manufacture, installation and operational use is a mandatory requirement of all world-wide product safety legislation.


The purpose of the Product Safety Certification Program is to foster technical excellence in Product Safety engineering. This approach establishes technical competency criteria for Product Safety and enforces these criteria for personnel designing, manufacturing and assessing product electrical safety. The program benefits the engineering community as a whole by establishing a standard of excellence in Product Safety engineering that will endure and extend across the boundaries of private and government agencies.

Product Safety positions held:

  • Product Safety Engineer

  • Compliance Engineer

  • Test Engineer

  • Product Safety Design Engineer


A certified product safety engineer or technician typically develops and conducts tests to evaluate product safety levels and recommends measures to reduce or eliminate hazards: They establish procedures for detection and elimination of physical and electrical hazards and avoidance of potential toxic effects and other product hazards. They investigate causes of accidents, injuries, and illnesses resulting from product usage and develop solutions. They may also evaluate potential health hazards or damage which could result from misuse of products and apply engineering principles and product standards to improve safety. They may also participate in preparation of product usage and precautionary label instructions.

These tables provide a summary of Product Safety Design Certification Requirements:

Product Safety Design Engineer
Associate Engineer
Work Experience

Passing score of 70%

3 (1 supervisor and 2 peer)

College/University Transcript/Diploma


Passing score of 70%

3 (1 supervisor and 2 peer)

College/University Transcript/Diploma

9 years of EMC related work experience

Product Safety Design Technician
Associate Technician
Work Experience

Passing score of 70%

3 (1 supervisor and 2 peer)

College/University Transcript/Diploma


Passing score of 70%

3 (1 supervisor and 2 peer)

College/University Transcript/Diploma

6 years of EMC related work experience

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